Safeguarding at Candlelighters
Children, Young People and Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy
Candlelighters believes all children and vulnerable adults have a right to be protected. This Safeguarding Policy is for Candlelighters trustees, employees, service providers and volunteers – safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
Our Safeguarding Policy sets the scene about why safeguarding is important and how we will behave and make decisions in everything we do to promote the safety and welfare of children, young people and adults at risk and to protect them from harm.
Please read our Children and Young Peoples Safeguarding Policy here:
Click here – Children’s Safeguarding Policy 2020 NEW!
Supporting families via multi-media guidelines
Candlelighters has recently had to adapt the family support services in order to support families through the COVID 19 pandemic. We have been communicating with families using different multi-media modes and we will continue to deliver services this way in the future to help support families across the geographical areas we cover.
This includes the use of:
– Zoom
– Microsoft Teams
– Skype
– Whatsapp
– Phone calls
It is important that the professional manner and code of conduct we follow when working with families in the community, home or hospitals is extended to engaging in telecom and video conferencing meetings and applies to all contact with families.
Please read our Anti-Bullying policy below: