Our Values
Our values are very important to us. They’re what we believe in, what we stand by and what makes us who we are.

Meet the team
Candlelighters is a big family where everyone has an important role to play. Here are some of the people who help make it happen.

Where we work
We aim to support families in a variety of different ways, whether this be on the ward, at The Square or through other means. Read where you can find us here.

Support on the wards
The money we raise helps us to pay for everything from refreshments and decorations to equipment on the wards and clinic. We also fund the jobs of the many people who make children’s cancer treatment in Yorkshire amongst the best in the country.

Investing in Research
At Candlelighters, we are proud to invest in a vital research programme into the causes of children’s cancer and potential new treatments.

Join Our Team
Find out about current opportunities at Candlelighters here!