‘Harry was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma cancer stage 4 in November 2011, aged four. He’d had intermittent pain in his legs, pain in his tummy and high temperatures a few weeks before diagnosis. After several trips to the doctors and A&E, he finally had an ultrasound scan which spotted his massive tumour in his tummy. I wasn’t a neurotic mum, but my biggest fear was confirmed after more tests.

Harry was always full of smiles and character and has left a print in so many hearts. He died at age six-and-a-half on April 8th 2014.’

– Sarah, Bereaved Mum. 

#BeBraveBeBoldBeGold #ChildhoodCancer #BeTheSpark #CCAM #ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth
#GoGold #Candlelighters

Please be the spark that keeps our candle burning and give a Regular Gift today, so we can bring light to families like Harry’s in these darkest of times.

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