Candlelighters is a big family and like any family we like to get together, so each year we organise a number of events for all the family. Read more to find out what events we are holding 2017 for all the family to get involved in.
If you are interested in attending a sibling group, then please call The Square on 0113 887 8333 or email us [email protected]
Upcoming events:
Picnic in the Park; Wednesday 16th August 12pm – 3pm. What better way to spend a sunny summers day than at Kirkstall Abbey with fellow Candlelighters families? We will provide the picnic, drinks & games, all you have to bring is you!
Halloween Party: Thursday 26th October 1pm – 4pm. Our annual Halloween party for patients and siblings; there is always lots of smiles, slime & scares! A frightfully good afternoon for all!
Candlelighters Christmas Party, Sunday 3rd December 2017, Royal Armouries: this is kindly hosted by the Leeds museum at no cost to the charity. The event is for all patients on treatment and their brothers and sisters, they even receive a gift from Father Christmas!
Previous events – watch out for them again in the future:
On Thursday 22nd June The Square opened it doors for its Summer of Well being Evening. This evening offers all family members aged over 14 an opportunity to trial some of the many treatments we have at The Squares groups; including massage, energy balancing, facials, brow shaping and relaxation classes! Thank you to everyone who attended, if you missed it don’t worry…we are having another one in Autumn/Winter ’17!
On Saturday 17th June 2017 Sherburn Aero Club welcomed over 150 guests (including patients, siblings and their parents or guardians) to their annual Candlelighters Charity Day! This fantastic event is totally free to all Candlelighters families and there is so much to keep them entertained; from flying high in planes and helicopters to reaching 180mph in an elite range of sports cars. Sherburn Aero Club also generosly provided a buffet for all the families, face painting & much more! Next years event is currently being planned, so keep your eyes out for the date!
On Sunday 7th May, we welcomed 186 guests to Day of Memories at York Racecourse. This was a special day to remember and celebrate the lives of those lost to children’s cancer. There was a memory table, a choir, afternoon tea and a balloon release- with some balloon tags dedicated to children found as far as France in the days after the release!
In April The Square hosted their first Parents & Tots group at The Squares Teddy Bears Picnic – this was an afternoon of messy play, arts & crafts and of course….a family picnic for patients and siblings aged 0 -5! Thank you to everyone who came – we hope you all had a lovely afternoon.