Donate an amount of your choice straight from your payroll every month.
Payroll Giving is the easy and tax free way to support Candlelighters.
When you sign up to payroll giving your donations can be made straight from your pay to Candlelighters . Donations are deducted before tax so each £1 that you give only costs you 80p or 60p if you’re a higher rate tax payer – the taxman pays the rest!
The scheme is completely voluntary and confidential and you can change or stop your donation at any point.
How do you set it up?
First check with your payroll or HR team to see if they already operate a Payroll Giving system. They can get signed up to support Candlelighters straight away!
If they don’t operate a Payroll Giving scheme we’ll be happy to help advise you. Just contact us and tell us more.